50 Important Tips for Civil Engineers and Supervisors


            50 Important tips for Civil Engineers and Supervisors 

1. Height of building = 3.15m

2. Height of window = 2.1m

3. Height of parapet wall = 1m

4. Minimum thickness of slab = 125mm

5. Minimum thickness of lintel = 150 mm

6. Thickness of DPC = 2.5 cm

7. Lapping is not allowed for the bars having diameters more than 36mm.

8. Chair spacing maximum spacing is 1.00 m (or) 1 No per 1m2. 

9. Height of the door = 2.1m


10. Chairs minimum of 12 mm diameter bars to be used.

11. For dowels rod minimum of 12 mm diameter should be used.

12. Lap length for M20 concrete:

      Columns – 45d

      Beams – 60d

      Slabs – 60d

13. Density of Construction Material




1600 – 1920 kg/m3

Concrete block

1920 kg/ m3

14. Binding wire required in steel reinforcement is 8 kg per MT.

15. Maximum diameter of bars used in slab = 1/8 × thickness of slab.

16. Free fall of concrete is allowed maximum to 1.50m.

17. Water absorption of bricks should not be more than 15 %.

18. PH value of the water should not be less than 6.

19. Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N / mm2.

20. Minimum number of bars used for square columns is 4 and that of a      circle is 6.

21. The main bars used in the slabs should not be less than 8mm when TMT         bars are used and 10mm when plain bars are used.

22. The distribution bars in slabs should not less than 8mm and not more        than 1/8 of slab thickness.

23.  Minimum thickness of slab is 125mm.

24. Maximum free fall of concrete is allowed to 1.50m.


25. Standard size of brick = 190mm×90mm×90 mm = 19cm×9cm×9cm.
26. A good brick clay contains 20 to 30% of alumina, 50 to 60% of silica            and the remaining constituents are Lime, Magnesia, Sodium, Potassiu          Manganese and iron oxide.

27. Colour of good brick is deep red, cherry or copper coloured.
28. Compressive strength of bricks is 3.5 N/mm2.

29. Ordinary Portland cement consists of 62 to 67% of Lime.
30. The initial setting time of ordinary portland cement should not be less          than 30 minutes.

31. The final setting time of ordinary portland cement should not be more          than 10 hours.

32. Initial and Final setting time of cement is determined by Vicat’s                 apparatus.

33. Lap slices not be employed for bars greater than 36 mm.

34. PH value of the water should not be less than 6.

35. Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N/mm2

36. Water absorption of bricks should not be more than 15 %.
37. The normal consistency of portland cement is about 25%.
38. When concrete is to be laid under water, Quick setting cement is used.
39. Maximum free fall of concrete allowed to 1.50m.

40. Curing time of RCC Members for different types of cement

        Super Sulphate cement: 7 days Ordinary Portland cement

        OPC: 10 days

        Minerals & Admixture added cement: 14 days

41. 1 bag of cement = 1.25 cubit feet = 0.0347 cubic meter.
42. No. of cement bags in 1m^3 = 28.8 bags.

43. Electrical conduits shall not run in the column.

44. Earthwork excavation for basement above 3m should be stepped form.

45. Backfilling of any kind should be compacted 95% of dry density at the         optimum moisture content. They should be in layers not more than             200mm for filling above structure and 300mm for no structure.

46. Curing period for concrete is minimum 7 days and maximum of 14 days.

47. Slump of concrete is measured by slump cone test.

48. Concrete cube used for testing is of size 150 x 150 x 150mm.

49. normal aggregates sizes used in concrete is in range of 9.5 mm to 37.5       mm.

50. specific gravity of cement is around 3.15.



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