Various Types of Levels Used in the Buildings.

Various Types of Levels Used in the Buildings.

The different types of levels which are used in the building are given below:

  • Natural Ground Level
  • Floor Finishing Level 
  • Plinth Level
  • Sill Level
  • Lintel Level 
  • Building Ground Level (BGL)

These levels are provided in a structure to make it more sound and stable. Let us discuss them one by one below.

Natural Ground Level (NGL)

It is defined as the level of the ground or land in its unmodified state. The height for Natural Ground Level (NGL) is generally measured with the reference of Mean-Sea Level (MSL). It is measured in its original state without any disturbance on it such as excavation (cutting) or filling.

Floor Finishing Level (FFL)

It refers to the top most surface of a floor once construction has been completed but before any finishes have been applied. Therefore, in concrete construction it may be the top surface of a screed finish, or in timber construction, FFL  denotes the top level of floorboards, chipboard or ply decking


Plinth Level

The portion of superstructure which is located between the surrounding ground and the finished floor is known as the plinth. The level of floor is usually referred as the plinth level.

On the other hand the level at which Substructure ends and superstructure starts is called Plinth level.

The primary objective of the plinth level is to terminate the access of moisture, dampness, and seepage of rainwater and storm water inside the building.

The height of plinth level usually ranges from 300mm to 450mm. The reference of its height is taken from natural ground level (NGL). The minimum height of plinth level is taken 150mm from the road level.

Functions of Plinth Level

The functions of plinth level are as follows:-

·         It protects the complete structure from dampness.

·         It transfers the load from the superstructure to the substructure. And hence, maintains the stability of the structure.

·         It improves the aesthetical appearance of the structure.

·         It reduces the risk of differential settlement of foundation up to a certain level.


SILL Level:

The base part of the window is comprised of stone work components. It is known as Sill of window. The Sill level is characterized as the level or vertical estimation between the completed floor level of the structure and the foundation of the window. It is found in windows only.

The height of Sill level in buildings and different rooms is kept between 600mm to 650mm while the level of the sill level in the washroom is kept at least 1100mm. The level of Sill level in restroom is kept more because of protection concerns.

Reason for Sill Level

      To give an inflexible base to the window outline and the window in general. The base offers help to the window.

      To give the smooth completed surface to the window.

      To stop the passage of dampness.

Because of nonattendance of sill, breaks might foster in the wall because of burden coming on it. Likewise dampness might saturate the wall because of the shortfall of Sill.


Purpose of Sill Level

·         To provide a rigid base to the window frame and the window as a whole. The base provides support to the window.

·         To provide the smooth finished surface to the window.

·         To prevent the entry of moisture.

Due to absence of sill, cracks may develop in the wall due to load coming on it. Also moisture may seep into the wall due to the absence of sill.

Lintel Level

Lintel is an element made up of Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) which is located at the top of the doors and windows (See above image).

Unlike sill, the lintel is provided to the doors and windows both the major purpose of a lintel is to transfer the load, coming from the walls above to the surrounding wall area.

The frame of the door is not capable for bearing the load coming from the wall above it. So, it is necessary to provide a lintel to doors and windows. As per the building regulations, the preferred lintel height for the residential building is 2.1m and for the commercial building is 2.3m.


Building Ground Level (BGL)

The level of land or the finished floor level inside the building is known as the Building Ground Level (BGL). The height of the Building Ground Level usually ranges from 150mm to 450mm, from the Natural Ground Level (NGL).

One main reason for raising the height of any building is to restrict the entry of water inside the building due to rainfall or storm.

The height of the Building Ground Level may increase if the building is located in sloppy areas as well as in the areas where heavy rainfall is commonly seen.


1 comment:

  1. The article "Various Types of Levels Used in the Buildings" on Civil Guru Izhar provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of levels used in construction projects. The author's explanation of the importance of levels in construction, and the various types of levels such as the dumpy level, digital level, and laser level, is very informative and helpful for those who are new to the industry or looking to expand their knowledge. The article is well-structured, with clear descriptions and illustrations, making it easy to understand. Overall, this is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the construction industry who wants to learn more about levels and their applications in building projects. I also remember that Best House Construction Companies In Chennai also provides a professional service similar to this.


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