Cracks in building structures are very common defects which are generally found in all types of buildings. Since there are a lot of reasons for the cracks in the buildings, it cannot be prevented completely but can be controlled by using good building materials, good construction technology and by following specific design criteria.

Crack is a complete or incomplete separation of concrete in two or more parts by breaking or fracturing.

The primary reasons of breaks in a structure are as per the following:

1.  Permeability of cement

Remedial measures

There are number of elements that controls substantial permeability like water-concrete proportion, utilization of admixtures, relieving, air voids because of lacking compaction, miniature breaks because of stacking, cyclic openness to warm varieties, and time of cement.

2.  Thermal development

Remedial measures

Joints will be considered during the plan and developed appropriately. For instance, development joints, development joints, control joints, and slip joints.


3.  Creep development

Remedial measures

·       Utilize minimum quantity of water.

·       Utilize huge coarse aggregate.

·       Give pressure support if possible

·       Keep away from formwork evacuation at early ages.

·       Fix concrete appropriately.

·       Allot appropriate cross segment for the substantial component.


4.  Corrosion of support


Remedial Measures


·       Utilize low porous cement

·       Give satisfactory cover thickness

·       Ensure concrete-steel bond is on par with conceivable. This is on the grounds that substantial alone isn't equipped for opposing tractable powers to which it is frequently oppressed. Any other way, cement might break and permit hurtful substance materials to go after steel bars.


5.  Moisture development


Remedial measures


·       Give development joints

·       Utilize least conceivable amount of water for blending concrete cement or concrete mortar

·       Conservative cement appropriately; vibrated substantial experiences lesser shrinkage contrast and physically compacted concrete

·       At long last, stay away from the utilization of unnecessary concrete.


6.  Poor development practices


Remedial measure

·       Observing development process appropriately.

·       Use great quality materials at the hour of development.


7.  Improper foundational layout and details


Remedial measures


Planners, Underlying Specialists and Specifiers will think about the accompanying measure to abstain from breaking and resulting decay of designs:


·       Legitimate particular for substantial materials and cement.

·       Legitimate particulars to deal with ecological as well as sub - soil conditions.

·       Constructible and sufficient foundational layout.

·       Appropriate quality and thickness of substantial cover around the support steel.

·       Arranging appropriate support design and enumerating similar in slim designs to work with legitimate setting of cement without isolation.

·       Choice of appropriate organization to develop their plans.



8.  Poor support

Remedial measures

The structure should be protected from poor support by providing good quality of materials and well trained workers.


9.  Movement because of synthetic responses

Remedial measures

  • Low alkaline cement should be used
  • Employ pozzolana
  • Selection of  proper aggregates.


10.              Other elements


       Severe design, allowed to eliminate the heap bearing walls or openings, causing breaks.

       Fires brought about by mishaps, fires, gentle quakes, and so forth.

 RELATED POSTS: What is Clear Cover? What is Cover Block? Types of Cover Blocks used in construction. Purpose & Sizes of Cover Block 

 :What Is Crank Bar? Reason and Specification of Crank bars.


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